Hey everybody! It is so great to finally blog again and... PICS AT LAST!! This has gotta' be a short one, but wanted to confirm that mama T made it through her surgery and I am TOTALLY going to post pics once I get the stitches all out of my belly button (WHAT? Yeah, it's cute...had to secure that puppy back down after lifting up my skin from my nether-regions to my freaking ribs!). I'll warn you though - it's noooooooot pretty! But heck - I'd be curious so why not?
Anyhow, enjoy these beautiful pics of our chitlins... I know we did and a huge thanks to Tera for taking them!!!
I must say you have some gorgeous babies!!! Aiden and Caleb are huge!! You better tell them to slow it down!! :)
The picture of Cam, Dane, Summer and Brock is just adorable. You can just see their little Personalities shining through!! Love the update!! Thanks for sharing!! Love, your cousin Gabrielle
Thanks for the pictures and update. You've been in my prayers almost daily since your surgery. The photos are awesome - everyone is beautiful. I'm so glad your recovery is going well.
Kris (from Buckley & MTU '81)
Great photos. Your children are so beautiful. Glad to her Tonya made it through surgery and is doing well.
OK--so the babies in their cloth diapers and big brothers are TOO CUTE! Love the pics! So glad to hear the surgery is behind you and now you can focus on recovery. Think you'll be ready for a visit from us in July??
Love from LA,
Just wanted to say congrats! Your children are beautiful. I hope you guys are doing well.
I just heard you had quads, wow! Congrats!
The pictures are great! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to hold all the babies again. We'll have to come up and visit this summer. I hope you are healing well!
Ron and Carol
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