I hope that you all had as great of a day as we did... it was a fantastic weekend and today was the best of it all... celebrating all the dad's in our life! Because we do not live near any extended family, we spent it as a family and enjoyed every second of our time together. Daddy's day started with a breakfast snack i
n bed (homemade blueberry bran muffin, peanut butter south beach bar, and coffee - who could ask for more?) with Aiden & Caleb's artwork made especially for him adorning the tray =) Then, off to church and afterwords we stopped at the fruit/veggie/flower market to gather LOTS of colorful stuff... and, daddy's father's day brunch? You betcha' - McD's outside on the "patio"... are you kidding me? Does it get much better?!?! (keep in mind we never eat fast food, so daddy really was in hog heaven as ridiculous as it sounds!)
After we headed home and straight to the pool (only to get shooed away because the thunder/lightening clouds and rain showed up - WHAT? It'd been like 85 degrees and sunny!) and then back home to plant s
We had an interesting week with Jeremy starting his new job at ECT in Traverse City on Monday. It's so WEIRD that I worked in Traverse and so wanted Jeremy to be there for 6 years (so we could be closer to each other) and now I'm NOT there and he IS. Just odd. Oh, and our house ISN'T either (not that it was when I worked there, but still...). Anyhow, Jeremy is pleased with how his first week went and we are optimistic that he has a very bright future at ECT. I can't wait to meet the people he works with, they sound like very nice, down to earth folks.
We also spent a good deal of time over the past week figuring out what our next step is for our family. We have really been hoping and praying over the past 10-12 weeks that we would have sold our home by now and be living in Traverse City, close to the hospital. But, here we are at 25 weeks and it has not happened yet. So, time to figure it out.
(I took pics a day apart to see if you could tell the difference in growth... I SWEAR I seemed WAY bigger the second day (see further below)! I'm a dork...)
The babies have been REALLY active over the past 2 weeks too - it's ABSOLUTELY AMAZING to feel FOUR babies move inside your belly!!! And, the coolest part is that we know exactly where Baby "A", "B", "C", & "D" are all located so I can pinpoint who's being rowdie! I have to say, that baby "A" appears to be the scrapper right now - but who can blame him/her!?!?! And at night when I play my Enya CD for them all... it's like "PARRRRTTYYYY!!!" I think the soothing music is having a COMPLETE opposite effect on our babies this time around - it's hilarious (music, and ice cream always do the trick - two of mommies favorites!)!! So there we'll lay at 11-11:30pm (MOST of the time, cough, cough...) at night reading the babies journal on how they developed that day and they are like "Hello? Can
ya' hear
me out there?" Maybe I h
ave the volume up too loud or something.... I'd better check on that... =) As a matter of fact, I read just last night in their journal (the same Ay by Day Pregnancy Journal that I have kept for all our pregnancies... I strongly encourage ANY woman to do the same - it's so fun to go back and read them!!! You forget so much!!) I read that we may actually be able to put our ears to our bellies and HEAR the babies heartbeats through my stomach now?? WHAT?!?! Of course with four I'm thinking it'd sound more like a mosh pit (Jeremy insists it sounds like gurgling... "Is that the amniotic fluid sloshing around when they move?") - but HOW COOL!!!
This was an odd week for us too with the babies because it was the first week (in I can't remember how long) that we did NOT have an ultrasound for the babies... I know, I know... most "normal" pregnancies get like 1 or 2 (if they are lucky) ultrasounds the ENTIRE pregnancy and I am griping about one week. But when you get used to that "safety net" of seeing your babies every week it IS an uncomfortable thing. Plus, we are just so far along... and with all the additional pressure I've been feeling over the past couple weeks... I dunno... I'm just paranoid for sure. Want to keep my eye on that cervix of mine to make SURE that it is staying nice and long!! I see Dr. Madion again tomorrow - where Jeremy INSISTS he is going to find out the sex of our babies... attempt #478... we'll just be holding our breath now, won't we? hee, hee... It'll be great now that Jeremy is working like 4 minutes from the hospital that he'll be able to come to a LOT of my appointments (I hope!). It was SO TOUGH when he was in Gaylord... I mean, that's a 1.5 hour trip (if not more) EACH WAY... so if he had any field work for the day come up he was out... that's 3+ hours of DRIVING to come to an appointment (plus the appointment time itself) and a huge time committment for him to be able to sneak away from work for that much time each week.
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